Sleeping position to lose belly fat

Adam Bridge
6 min readMar 15, 2021

Sleeping position to lose belly fat

Losing weight and burning fat is not only something you achieve when you workout or eat healthier, it is also something that happens when you are resting and sleeping.

In fact, when you’re sleeping your body functions more metabolically than it does during the day. This means it breaks down more fat into energy while you’re sleeping compared to when you’re awake.

How can you optimize the amount of fat your body burns fat during your sleep? In this article, we’ll take a look at the best sleeping positions to lose belly fat.

The position you sleep in can help focus the body on losing fat in the belly region, so knowing which sleeping position is best to target this area can help you make the most of this fat-burning opportunity.

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Best sleeping positions to lose belly fat

1. Sleeping on your stomach- Prone position

Sleeping on your stomach is often considered to be an unnatural and uncomfortable position, due to the pressure it puts on your body. It can also cause chest tightness and shortness of breath, however, there are some benefits.

It can be useful when you feel bloated and also in terms of managing lower back pain.

Experts also believe this position can also help you lose belly fat. This is because when you sleep on your stomach, you apply additional pressure on your belly, which can prevent excess fat accumulation.

However, to prevent this position from affecting your health negatively, there are a number of recommendations you should follow:

  • Do not sleep in this position for the whole night. 2–4 hours is sufficient to achieve the belly fat burning effects.
  • Alternate between sleeping on your stomach and on your side (side sleeping). This will help avoid chest tightness, breathing difficulties, and obstruction of blood flow through the body.
  • While sleeping on your stomach, use a comfortable and padded pillow for the head and neck area to prevent neck strain and pain the next day.
  • This position is not right for everyone, so if you’re not used to sleeping on your stomach, or find it uncomfortable, choose another position from the ones mentioned below.

2. Sleeping on your back- Supine position

Sleeping on your back is regarded as one of the healthiest ways to sleep. It involves lying horizontally on your back with your legs straight (ideally not bent) or slightly elevated.

This position is particularly useful for those who suffer from back pain, knee pain and leg pain issues, and for those who want to improve their spinal alignment while they sleep.

Sleeping on your back can also help you lose belly fat. This is because this position makes it harder for your body to convert the food and drink you consume into fat. Instead, the position forces your body to burn the food and drink into energy or leaves it in the body to use later.

Here are a few tips for an effective supine position to achieve belly fat loss:

  • Place a pillow under your knees, so they’re a little bent. This will help remove the pressure from your lower back and stomach.
  • If you experience any breathing difficulties while in this position, elevate your head and torso as this will help you sleep more comfortably.

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Other ways to improve the effectiveness of belly fat loss

Get enough sleep

Getting enough sleep is one of the most important facts when it comes to losing weight and ensuring you’re able to function properly the next day.

Studies have shown that getting less than the recommended 8 hours of sleep a night can lead to increased levels of obesity.

Lack of sleep slows down the rate at which your body converts calories to energy, and makes it more likely that your body stores unused energy as fat.

On top of this, lack of sleep can lower the levels of the leptin hormone in your body, which is the hormone that makes you feel full.

So, ensuring you get enough sleep will help keep your leptin levels up, and feel less or an urge to eat.

Learn to relax

Breathing exercises, meditation, and stretching are all techniques you can use to help you relax and get a better night’s sleep.

Another popular exercise is Yoga, which has a number of benefits including increased flexibility, inner core strength, and a calmer state of mind.

Cooling your room

A study in the Diabetes Journal has indicated that turning on the air conditioner or turning off the heating to make your bedroom cooler in winter could help you burn some fat while you sleep.

Colder temperatures cause your body to burn more body fat to acclimatize to the temperature in the room.

Cooler temperatures also improve the quality of your sleep, as it makes it easy to fall into a deep sleep, during which your body can perform its metabolic functions, and burn more fat and calories.

Darken your room

Exposure to light at night doesn’t just disrupt your sleep and potentially ruin your night, it could also result in weight gain according to a recent study.

The study found that participants who slept in the darkest rooms were 21% less likely to be obese than those who slept in the lightest rooms.

So, we recommend putting up some blackout shades to darken your room.

Keep your cellphone away

There are several negative effects of using your phone before you sleep.

Not only does last minute scrolling on your phone make it harder to switch off and adjust your mind to sleeping mode, but also the blue light that is emitted from the phone is harmful to your eyes as it limits the production of the melatonin hormone which controls your sleep-wake cycle.

If that wasn’t enough, research has shown that the more electronics we bring into the bedroom, the fatter we get, particularly among children.

A study found that students with access to one electronic device were 1.47 times likely to be overweight as students with no devices in the bedroom. This increases to 2.57 times for kids who had 3 devices.

Take a hot shower

Most people seem to prefer taking a shower as soon as they wake up, however, you may be missing an opportunity to help you get a better night’s sleep.

A hot shower before you go to sleep is a great way to relieve tension and relax sore muscles. It can also increase the oxytocin levels in your brain which can have a soothing effect, and make it easier to fall into deep sleep quicker.

Avoid chocolate

No, we don’t mean avoid chocolate completely, we just mean to avoid eating it before you sleep.

Chocolate contains caffeine which can make it harder for your body to shut down and fall asleep.

As nearly all chocolate bars contain caffeine in varying amounts, we recommend avoiding it before you go to sleep.

Sleep on a comfortable pillow

Sleeping on a comfortable pillow can make the difference between a comfortable night’s sleep and a terrible one.

Everyone has their own preferences so we won’t recommend a specific pillow. Instead, we recommend you get a pillow that is comfortable for both your head and neck and will help you doze off as quickly as possible.

Weight loss supplements

Weight loss supplements can really help accelerate your fat burning journey and help you lose more belly fat while you sleep.

Check out the supplement we most recommend to help you lose even more fat in a shorter space of time.


Losing belly fat can be a challenging feat to achieve. So, it’s important you take the right steps to maximize the opportunities to make it a reality.

Remember, burning fat is not only something that happens during the day, we can actually burn more fat while we’re sleeping.

It’s therefore essential you ensure you try and follow as many of the steps as you can in this article so you get the best quality sleep, you enjoy your sleep and ultimately you burn the most fat possible, all at the same time.

For some more advice and tips on how to lose weight while you sleep, check out our recent article about this here!

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Adam Bridge

Health conscious blogger also interested in technology and travel.